Wednesday, 24 September 2014

As a QA Analyst or software tester, how are you held accountable for the work you are doing?

We developed a checklist. 

1. Do you have Business Requirements documentation? 
2. Has there been a Business Requirements walk through? 
3. Have requirements been signed off? 
4. Is there a Functional Design Document? 
5. Has there been a Functional Design Review 
6. Do you have test plan? 
7. Have you had a test plan review? 
With peers? 
With developers? 
With Business Group? 
8. Has the code been reviewed? 
9. Have smoke tests been completed to accept code into test? (Entrance criteria) 
10. Is testing complete? 
11. Are there open defects? 
12. Do you meet the exit criteria? 
13. Have you had a results verification review? 
Who performed the review 
14. Was the timeline met? 
If no, specify reasons and state action plan 
15. Is the Deployment Plan ready? (MOP) 
16. Is the Deployment Validation Plan ready? 
17. Has the Deployment been completed? 
18. Was the Deployment successful? 
19. Have you archived project documentation?

Friday, 19 September 2014

High level Test process for a company with no formal processes.

My high level test process would include the following: 

1. Inquire - what should you test - ie access the requirements, product, design, etc. 
2. Intent - what will you test and how will you test it, plan your testing 
3. Implement - develop and execute your testing 
4. Inform - analyze, access, and inform others of your test results and recommendations 
5. Iterate - perform steps 1 - 4 as often as is appropriate and feasible given the SDLC 
6. Integrate - perform steps 1 - 5 within the context of the SDLC 
7. "Review - make sure you're doing the right things and doing them the right way by frequently (constantly?) 
8. Inspire - inspire others to embrace quality practices into their roles (as you do in yours) 
9. Integrity - ensure that you perform your tasks and role with professionalism and courtesy

Angular JS Protractor Installation process - Tutorial Part 1

                     Protractor, formally known as E2E testing framework, is an open source functional automation framework designed spe...