Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Friday, 29 November 2013
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions With Answers
1. What is webdriver?
WebDriver is a simpler, more concise programming interface in addition to addressing some limitations in the Selenium-RC API. Selenium-WebDriver was developed to better support dynamic web pages where elements of a page may change without the page itself being reloaded. WebDriver’s goal is to supply a well-designed object-oriented API that provides improved support for modern advanced web-app testing problems.
2. What are the advantages of selenium2.0/webdriver?
- Need no server to start
- Easy to code
- Has sophisticated API to support wide verity of browsers.
- Supports to test dynamic UI web apps.
3. Difference between the selenium1.0 and selenium 2.0?
Selenium 1.0
Selenium 2.0/Webdriver
1. It ‘injected’ javascript functions into the browser when the browser was loaded and then used its javascript to drive the AUT within the browser.
2. Selenium server need to start to run tests
3. Has some loop-holes in supporting complex UI apps,Javascript security
4. No support for headless broswers
1. WebDriver makes direct calls to the browser using each browser’s native support for automation
2. Not needed unless tests are run on local machine.
3. Supports even drag and drop features and no security loop-holes
4. Supports htmlunit driver –headless browser runs fast
4. What are the Locators are there in selenium 2.0?
It supports locators based on Id,name,xpath,dom,css,class,tagname
5. How to handle the Ajax Applications in Web driver?
There are 2 types of waits webdriver supports to handle ajax applications to make webdrive sync to execution:
Implicit wait :
Explicit wait: WebDriverWait, FluentWait
WebElement strr = (new WebDriverWait(driver,30)).until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//*[starts-with(@id,'yui_3_4_0_1_137509')]/ul/li[2]/a")));
This link explains better about handling ajax in webdriver.
5. How to handle the multiple windows in web driver?
driver.switchTo().window(Window ID);
6. Difference between findelement() and findelements()?
findELement will find the first matching element.
findELements will all the matching elements. You'll probably need to loop through all the elements returned.
findELements will all the matching elements. You'll probably need to loop through all the elements returned.
7. How to handle the alerts in web driver?
8. How to take the screen shots in seelnium2.0?
File src2 = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(src2,new File("d:\\sc2.jpeg"));
9. What is web driver architecture?
Below link gives better idea of webdriver architecture:
10. What is the limitations of web driver?
- Can not automate desktop applications, supports only web applications
- No inbuilt commands to generate good reports
- Cannot support readily for new browsers
Saturday, 19 October 2013
Data Driven Testing in WebDriver Using jxl
Data Driven Testing through WebDriver using jxl
1- Download jxl jar file and add it in to path
2- Junit jar file
3- Selenium-server-standalone-2.x.jar
Add these three jar file in build path .
2- Junit jar file
3- Selenium-server-standalone-2.x.jar
Add these three jar file in build path .
In general when we say Data Driven then only thing that should come in to mind is thatinput is going to be read from some xls file, xml,csv or some other table oriented file and might be output would also be written in xls,xml or csx file. All read data from various files are stored in variables and finally used by scripts to run the test cases.
Data Driven testing is mainly divided in two part
1- Reading data and storing in to variable
2- Using data stored in variable in to some generic script.
Data Driven testing is mainly divided in two part
1- Reading data and storing in to variable
2- Using data stored in variable in to some generic script.
Reading Data and storing in to variableSince Webdriver don’t have structure like other automation tools like QTP to have its own Data table to store data to run tests in Data Driven framework. So we normally two jar file(Binaries) JXL(Java Excel API) and Apache POI to make Data Driven test framework for WebDriver.
I am using JXL binary in this example. so for reading data from xls file we need to follow these step
I am using JXL binary in this example. so for reading data from xls file we need to follow these step
1- Opening Excel file , so to open excel file we would use these two line. I have created one excel file r.xls and now we would write code to reach to this file and to open this excel sheet.
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import jxl.Workbook;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import jxl.Workbook;
FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(“C:\\Users\\kaushal\\Desktop\\r.xls”);
Workbook w = Workbook.getWorkbook(fi);
In above code
obtains input bytes from a file in a file system
2- Opening worksheet
import jxl.Sheet;
Sheet sh = w.getSheet(0); or w.getSheet(Sheetnumber)
Here 0 as argument states about firest sheet, if we want to read second sheet then we may use 1 in place of 0
3- Reading data
code used is
code used is
String variable1 = s.getCell(column, row).getContents();
These are 3 steps that is used in reading data from excel sheet
In my example or code I am going to write code to test login to Gmail for various user and Username and Password is save in excel sheet and we will keep reading this data by using loop and we would store these data in two variable username and password
package learing;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import jxl.JXLException;
import jxl.Sheet;
import jxl.Workbook;
import jxl.read.biff.BiffException;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
public class Data{
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException, JXLException,BiffException,FileNotFoundException, InterruptedException{
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
Sheet s;
FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream("D:\\data1.xls");
Workbook w = Workbook.getWorkbook(fi);
s = w.getSheet(0);
for(int row=1; row <=s.getRows();row++)
String username = s.getCell(0, row).getContents();
System.out.println("Username "+username);
String password= s.getCell(1, row).getContents();
System.out.println("Password "+password);
System.out.println("Waiting for page to load fully...");
Important set of test cases for Login Page
Here is the set of test cases that would help you in getting the right job with a better understanding of a login page.
- Test with correct username and password: This is the most basic positive test cases, while using this user should successfully logged in.If correct username and password is not helping you to login in to your application then file a bug because this shows that something is wrong with application.
- Test with incorrect username or password: access should be denied
- Test with correct username and empty password: In this case when user click on login button then a message should flash that says “Enter a password or something unexpected went wrong”
- Test with empty username and correct password: Again an error message should appear to enter a valid email or username
- Verify the correct error messages like Incorrect combination of user name and password. If you are getting anything like Incorrect username or Incorrect password then be conscious because you application is giving half the information to hacker and your application is in great danger.
- Verify that back button is not able to push you to your logged in page just after you logout from your specific account: This kind of test cases invoke the flaw associated with Session management. When session is not closed just after your log-out means any one can access you account if you have opened your specific login enabled account at any time just by clicking Back button in Browser.So one way to save your account from such misconducts is to close browser when ever you log-out from your account.
- Test a page url without login to application: For such thing login with correct username and correct password and go to certain page, copy the url and paste the same in another browser.if you are able to open the page then this application is not in good shape to protect the user’s information because anyone can open a specific page just by entering direct url.
- Verify the session timeout: This is most important test case for any finance related site.Session should time out if user is inactive for few minute. This is normally a sustainability test of session. If your application is not prompting for session timeout then think once this may be issue.
- Verify https in url for login page: S with Http mean secure http. If login is associated with http in url means you information to login in to application is not secure and anyone can access your information just by doing small effort. While HTTPS ensure encryption of information that is being sent to server from client end.
- Verify ID in url while processing your request : keep track on ID associated with your request url and ID associated with request url should be dynamic not static otherwise this may help some hacker to nab your information.
- Verify deletion of ID while browsing : Go to the place where cookies are saved and try to delete cookies when you are just browsing your account and try to find out the cookies that have your username and password because as soon as you delete that cookies you should be reached to login page. If you find the same cookies then try to change the numbers in cookies and should verify what is happening, hopefully corrupt cookies that have your real id should redirect you on login page once again even you haven’t deleted the cookies.
- Try to login when your cookies are disable
- Check SQL injection: most devastating vulnerabilities to impact a business, as it can lead to exposure of all of the sensitive information stored in an application’s database, including handy information such as usernames, passwords, names, addresses, phone numbers, and credit card details.
So I would suggest including this test cases if you are going to test some banking and insurance related application. Most common SQL injection that is used or ‘1’=’1, if this got executed then be ready for the loss of your important information. If means hacker can login without any problem to system or application. - Verify account lock out: I would like to include this test case with priority, if user is using 3 or some specific number of time a wrong password then his/her account should be locked out and access should be allowed after certain assurance form filling or by calling customer care. This may help user from hackers hand.
- Verify simultaneous login to application on different browser: I think you all would be familiar with this in daily life if you would have used railway ticket booking site.
- Try some hit and trial username and password : before deploying application, username and password like Admin:Admin , Guest:Guest, some username :password, author:author should be use to test but should be denied when application is deployed.
These all test cases not only test the functionality but also test the security of the application. But I am not saying that these test cases are enough to test security of application. Because security testing is the part of testing that does not have any relation with requirement document so more and more effort is needed if we are talking about the security of an application.
Hope this would help you in testing login page
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Handling Multiple Windows in WebDriver
Dealing with multiple windows in Automation Testing has always been a little tricky and require an extra effort.
Before commencing, let us first consider a few situations when we are likely to deal with multiple windows.
- Filling forms may require to select the date from a separately opened window.
- Clicking on some link/button can kick-off yet another window.
- Handling Advertisement windows
Hence, we can come up with various scenarios depending upon the application.
Now let us motion ourselves towards the challenge we face under above situations. The most particular of all is switching the focus from one window to another. Let us understand the same in the following way:
Step 1 : Clicking on Link1 on Window A
A new Window B is opened.
Step 2 : Move Focus from Window A to Window B
Window B is active now
Step 3 : Perform Actions on Window B
Complete the entire set of Actions
Step 4 : Move Focus from Window B to Window A
Window A is active now
These are the steps which we can easily interpret out of the diagram, but there are a few more steps to add to complete this process and making our script execute. These steps don’t have visibility but plays a very vital role. Let us now re-consider the same scenario.
Step 1 : Clicking on Link1 on Window A
A new Window B is opened.
Step 2 : Save reference for Window A
Step 3 : Create reference for Window B
Step 3 : Move Focus from Window A to Window B
Window B is active now
Step 3 : Perform Actions on Window B
Complete the entire set of Actions
Step 4 : Move Focus from Window B to Window A
Window A is active now
Let us understand the same with a small coding example.
public class MultiWindowHandle {
WebDriver driver;
public void setup() throws Exception {
driver=new FirefoxDriver();
String URL="https://www.abc.co.in/";
public void test() throws Exception {
// Opening Calender
// Storing parent window reference into a String Variable
String Parent_Window = driver.getWindowHandle();
// Switching from parent window to child window
for (String Child_Window : driver.getWindowHandles())
// Performing actions on child window
List Months=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@id='monthDropDown']//div"));
int Months_Size=Months.size();
System.out.println("Month size is:"+Months_Size);
//Switching back to Parent Window
//Performing some actions on Parent Window
public void close() {
WebDriver’s most popular Commands
Most common functions used in WebDriver to make a web-application testing.
- IsElementPresent/Text Present
- Finding elements by using function that take argument of By class
private boolean isElementPresent(WebDriver driver, By by)
return true;
catch(Exception e)
return false;
} - Using the size to decide whether element is there or not
return true
return false
} - Finding the text using the PageSource
driver.PageSource.Contains("TEXT that you want to see on the page");
- Finding elements by using function that take argument of By class
- Finding WebElement by using various locators
- Using ID
WebElement welement = driver.findElement(By.id("Id from webpage"));
- Using Name
WebElement welement = driver.findElement(By.name("Name of WebElement"));
- Using Tag Name
WebElement welement = driver.findElement(By.tagName("tag name"));
- Using Xpath
WebElement welement = driver.findElement(By.xpath("xpath of webElement"));
- Using CSS
WebElement welement = driver.findElement(By.CSS("CSS locator path"));
- Using LinkText
WebElement welement = driver.findElement(By.LinkText("LinkText"));
- Using ID
- Fetching pop-up message
this is the function that would help you in fetching the message
public static String getPopupMessage(final WebDriver driver) {
String message = null;
try {
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();
message = alert.getText();
} catch (Exception e) {
message = null;
return message;
} - Canceling pop-up
public static String cancelPopupMessageBox(final WebDriver driver) {
String message = null;
try {
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();
message = alert.getText();
} catch (Exception e) {
message = null;
return message;
} - Inserting string in Text Field
public static void insertText(WebDriver driver, By locator, String value) {
WebElement field = driver.findElement(locator);
} - Reading ToolTip text
public static String tooltipText(WebDriver driver, By locator){
String tooltip = driver.findElement(locator).getAttribute("title");
return tooltip;
} - Selecting Radio Button
public static void selectRadioButton(WebDriver driver, By locator, String value){ List select = driver.findElements(locator);
for (WebElement element : select)
if (element.getAttribute("value").equalsIgnoreCase(value)){
} - Selecting CheckBox
public static void selectCheckboxes(WebDriver driver, By locator,String value)
List abc = driver.findElements(locator);
List list = new ArrayListArrays.asList(value.split(",")));
for (String check : list){
for (WebElement chk : abc){
}}}} - Selecting Dropdown
public static void selectDropdown(WebDriver driver, By locator, String value){
new Select (driver.findElement(locator)).selectByVisibleText(value); } - Selecting searched dropdown
public static void selectSearchDropdown(WebDriver driver, By locator, String value){
} - Uploading file
public static void uploadFile(WebDriver driver, By locator, String path){
} - Downloading fileHere we will click on a link and will download the file with a predefined name at some specified location.
public static void downloadFile(String href, String fileName) throws Exception{
URL url = null;
URLConnection con = null;
int i;
url = new URL(href);
con = url.openConnection();
// Here we are specifying the location where we really want to save the file.
File file = new File(".//OutputData//" + fileName);
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(con.getInputStream());
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(file));
while ((i = bis.read()) != -1) {
bis.close(); - Wait()
- Implicit Wait :
- Explicit Wait:
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver,10);
wait.until(ExpectedConditons.elementToBeClickable(By.id/xpath/name("locator")); - Using Sleep method of java
Thread.sleep(time in milisecond)
- Implicit Wait :
- Navigation method of WebDriver Interface
- to() method (its a alternative of get() method)
This will open the URL that you have inserted as argument - back() – use to navigate one step back from current position in recent history syntax ==
- forward() – use to navigate one step forward in browser history
- refresh() – This will refresh you current open url
- to() method (its a alternative of get() method)
- Deleting all Cookies before doing any kind of action
This will delete all cookies - Pressing any Keyboard key using Action builder class of WebDriverWebDriver has rewarded us with one class Action to handle all keyboard and Mouse action. While creating a action builder its constructor takes WebDriver as argument. Here I am taking example of pressing Control key
Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
When we press multiple keys or action together then we need to bind all in a single command by using build() method and perform() method intend us to perform the action.
In the same way you can handle other key actions. - Drag and Drop action in Webdriver
In this we need to specify both WebElement means Source and target and for draganddrop Action class has a method with two argument so let see how it normally look likeWebElement element = driver.findElement(By.name("source"));
WebElement target = driver.findElement(By.name("target"));
(new Actions(driver)).dragAndDrop(element, target).perform();
Hybrid Testing (Data + Keyword Driven) using Selenium
Today, we’ll see how to do hybrid testing using selenium. Let’s discuss what’s hybrid testing first. Hybrid testing is a combination of Data Driven testing along with keyword. Here we’ll use some keywords as the driving parameters in data driven testing the data sheet. The keywords will be defined by the user, and let’s call them user defined keywords.
Before getting into the framework, let’s discuss on what are the external files which will be required. The list of files that will be required in addition to selenium client driver and selenium server jar files are as below
- TestNG: in order to data drive our test, we would require the latest version of testNG jar file which is now testng-5.14.1.jar and can be downloaded from http://testng.org/doc/download.html
- JXL: in order to use Microsoft Excel files as data source we would need the jxl jar file which can be downloaded fromhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/jexcelapi/files/
- Latest Junit: this will be required to verify certain condition and can be downloaded fromhttps://github.com/KentBeck/junit/downloads
- TestNG plugin for Eclipse: This will be required to run the TestNG scripts in eclipse and the content of this plugin has to be placed inside the “dropin” folder inside the eclipse directory. The file can be downloaded fromhttp://testng.org/doc/download.html
The first 3 file need to be added to the build path in the project in eclipse to use them. The fourth file needs to extracted in the dropin folder of the eclipse folder so that when you open the droping folder, a plugin folder is created inside it. This is all about configuration that is required for such testing.
Now let’s start with how to test using this framework. Let’s test the IBN Live website, where we’ll use the keyword ‘link’ to drive our test. So to do this, we need to place this keyword ‘link’ in the data sheet. This will decide the action when the ‘link’ keyword is passed to the program. The corresponding cell values for that particular row will be used for different operations on the same. Below is the data sheet that we are going to use.
testData | property | xPath | value | expectedResult | permission | name | |
pagetitle | CNN-IBN, Live India News,Top Breaking News,World,India,Business,Sports, Entertainment & Health News | ||||||
link | link=News | click | News | ||||
link | link=Politics | click | Politics | ||||
link | link=Movies | click | Movies | ||||
testData |
Here using selenium, we are going to test the page title of the landing page and use the link property to navigate to different pages. So first let me explain the data table. “testData” is the table marker which will tell the start and end point of the table. The column headers will be used as variables. Here property defines the property on which we are going to perform certain actions. xPath will be used to locate the properties, value will be used to enter some data or select any object, expected result will be used to compare the actual value to the expected value, permission will determine the course of action and name will be used to give meaningful name while generating result. Below is the sample code that will drive our Hybrid test.
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.openqa.selenium.server.SeleniumServer; import org.testng.annotations.*; import java.io.File; import jxl.*; public class DataDrivenTest extends SeleneseTestCase{ @BeforeClass public void setUp() throws Exception { setUp("http://ibnlive.in.com/", "*iexplore"); selenium.open("/"); selenium.setTimeout("60000"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("60000"); selenium.windowMaximize(); selenium.windowFocus(); } @DataProvider(name = "DP") public Object[][] createData() throws Exception{ Object[][] retObjArr=getTableArray("D:\\Work\\Data Driven Testing\\Data Driven Test\\Resources\\Data Sheet.xls", "Data", "testData"); return(retObjArr); } @Test (dataProvider = "DP") public void testElements(String property, String xPath, String value, String expectedResult, String permission, String name) throws Exception { if(property.equals("pagetitle")){ if(selenium.getTitle().equals(expectedResult)){ System.out.println("The page title is displaying properly"); } else System.out.println("The page title is not correct"); } if(property.equals("link")){ if(selenium.isElementPresent(xPath)) System.out.println("The link "+name+" is present"); else System.out.println("The link "+name+" is not present"); if(permission.equals("click")) { selenium.click(xPath); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("60000"); } } } @AfterClass public void tearDown(){ selenium.close(); selenium.stop(); } public String[][] getTableArray(String xlFilePath, String sheetName, String tableName) throws Exception{ String[][] tabArray=null; Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(xlFilePath)); Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetName); int startRow,startCol, endRow, endCol,ci,cj; Cell tableStart=sheet.findCell(tableName); startRow=tableStart.getRow(); startCol=tableStart.getColumn(); Cell tableEnd= sheet.findCell(tableName, startCol+1,startRow+1, 100, 64000, false); endRow=tableEnd.getRow(); endCol=tableEnd.getColumn(); System.out.println("startRow="+startRow+", endRow="+endRow+", " + "startCol="+startCol+", endCol="+endCol); tabArray=new String[endRow-startRow-1][endCol-startCol-1]; ci=0; for (int i=startRow+1;i<endRow;i++,ci++){ cj=0; for (int j=startCol+1;j<endCol;j++,cj++){ tabArray[ci][cj]=sheet.getCell(j,i).getContents(); } } return(tabArray); } }//end of class
The createData method will create a virtual copy of the data sheet in memory. Inside it, we need to specify the data sheet path along with its name, the sheet name, the table marker that we discussed earlier. Here, the testElements method is driving the test depending on the input, it’s getting from the excel sheet. It can be customized to accommodate more types of properties like drop down, text box, text area, etc. according to user needs.
Explicit and Implicit Waits in Selenium Web Driver
When implementing time synchronization for waiting with Selenium Web Driver technology, we can use two types of waits:
Explicit Wait
In Explicit Wait, we write a code to define a wait statement for certain condition to be satisfied until the wait reaches its timeout period. If WebDriver can find the element before the defined timeout value, the code execution will continue to next line of code. Therefore, it is important to setup a reasonable timeout seconds according to the system response.
For example:
public void ExplicitWait(int timeouseconds)
IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.Url = “http://www.google.com”;
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeouseconds));
IWebElement elementToWait = wait.Until<IWebElement>((d) =>
return d.FindElement(By.Id(“theElementId”));
Implicit Wait
In Implicit Wait, we define a code to wait for a certain amount of time when trying to find an element or elements. If the Web Driver cannot find it immediately because of its availability, the WebDriver will wait. The default setting is zero. Once we set a time, the Web Driver waits for the period of the WebDriver object instance.
For example:
public void ImplicitWait(int waitSeconds)
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.Url = “http://www.google.com”;
IWebElement elementToWait = driver.FindElement(By.Id(“theElementId”));
Highlight elements with Selenium WebDriver
public void highlightElement(WebElement element) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; js.executeScript(“arguments[0].setAttribute(‘style’, arguments[1]);”,
element, “color: yellow; border: 2px solid yellow;”);
element, “color: yellow; border: 2px solid yellow;”);
js.executeScript(“arguments[0].setAttribute(‘style’, arguments[1]);”
, element, “”);
, element, “”);
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